How to Command Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS
How to Command  Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS

 Contemplating your body from inside the vortex everything goes more easily your body is made up of trillions of cells and each of them is consciousness each of the cells of your body is an extension of this source energy that we've been talking about your cells are in the vortex ah nodded, and then you heard us your cells are in the vortex the consciousness of your cells is there now think about what that means that when for whatever reason life was discordant in some way which is always the case in other word sit's always something that's bothering you that was the precursor to the in other words you had a lot of vibrational indicators that were emotional before you got the vibrational indicator that was a physical manifestation or a diagnosis, so during all of that problem coming into focus a solution a better stronger more vital more viral more dynamic physical body was coming into vibrational reality at the same time, the cells of your body are consciousness that are not confused about who they are even though you, and you are thinking your brain your perspective your personality might be.
How to Command  Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS

 So, the reason we give this to you in this way is because the consciousness of your cells are already in the vortex now when your physical body on a cellular level gets out of whack even in the slightest, the cell sends a rocket and source becomes it and the cell would equally acquiesce to the new becoming that's what the evolution of all species is about, but a cell in a body of someone who's worried about something, so the cell knows what it doesn't want knows what it does want source lines up with what it does want but in your worry you make it harder for that cell to come into alignment with its request did you hear that and so what pain is we know it's not something that you're talking about here, but it's something to be talked about what physical pain is the cell the new and improved vibrational cell calling the physic its physical counterpart in but in the consciousness of the human the cell is hindered and not allowed and that tug of war is what equals pain it's also what equals negative emotion doesn't that just make perfect sense to you yes, so the story you want to tell to yourself is my physical body is that my virtual body is clear and feeling really good.
How to Command  Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS

 Through meditation and through appreciation and through just generally reaching for better feeling thoughts you'll release resistance, and you'll allow those cells to align with their request and your, body will align it is our promise to you Jerry wrote a paper Esther's Jerry, some years ago entitled keep your ideas to your self until they are fully developed because he watched so many people who he was counseling in financial matters who would have a desire, and they would speak it to those around them who didn't believe in them who didn't believe in success at all perhaps but people are so quick to warn each other about pitfalls and that's contradicted thought people are so quick to look for the downside of things that's contradict thought, but the difference that we want you to know and feel by the time you walk out of this room today is that the only difference worth really noting between you and your inner being who is non-physically focused is that your inner being never speaks against you or against your ideas of desire and when you do you cause a kind of separation there's no possibility of separation,
How to Command  Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS

 You pinch yourself off from the fullness of who you are and that pinched-off state of feeling to you like negative emotion your emotions are your indicator of how in alignment you are how fully and holy you are or how you are contradicting your own desire have you ever had an experience with another human usually they're related to you in some way or married to you or working with you or living next door or a complete stranger and you are having a conversation with them about something that you believe deeply in, and they believe deeply in it too they just don't agree with you and, so you explain your perspective which just makes them come on stronger with theirs, and then they explain their perspective which just makes you come on stronger with yours and so you've got this sort of tug of war going and rarely is there any consensus that is formed under those conditions because you just dig in a protective state to defend your position have you ever had that experience child.
How to Command  Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS

What we want you to realize is that those two perspectives are present within you singularly individually you every day when you have a desire that you don't believe I want more money, but I want more money, but I've never had enough money I don't know anybody who really has enough money my parents didn't have enough money and while that is factually accurate it doesn't need to remain that way but the reason it does remain that way is because when you keep that vibration active as a belief then your desire can't get far out ahead of it and this is the thing this is the premise that we want you to begin with today we want you to listen to what we say next and try to get your thoughts around this because as you accept this progression of your evolution as you hear this simple premise that we're going to put forward right here everything else will be easy for you from now on as you are creating your own reality, so here's the premise you came from non-physical but not all of you came and in this physical body you have a role to play in the co-creation between you and your non-physical counterpart you said I'll be on the leading edge I'll explore contrast, and I will come to my own personal conclusions of what I would prefer beyond what is and your inner being said and when you do that we will accept from you the essence of what you are asking for, and we will hold it in a non-resisted state while you find a way of bringing your beliefs to match it in other words if you lived in a time in a space where there was not enough food and starvation is.
How to Command  Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS

 What was happening all around you and your desire for abundance of food not just for your belly but for the bellies of those you love for the bellies of those that you don't even know you and however many of you that are having the experience usually millions are launching rockets of desires and all of your inner beings are receiving those requests and holding purely that thought of abundance of food, but the reality of your starvation in your human form keeps you from believing that keeps you from accepting that because what is so powerfully witnessed by you, and you would feel like a fool top re tend abundance when it isn't evident around you and now reality keeps you in starvation mode starvation of relationships or starvation of clarity starvation of abundance of all manner because what is in terms of what you're seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting and touching feels so real to you, and we want you to accept that while that is a reality there is a vibrational reality that is the beginning of all things that are coming, and, so these are the words that we want you to capture here that we want you to focus with us upon get out ahead of it get out ahead of it, now what do we mean by that, so you know what you don't want you know what you do want your desire got out ahead of your belief it got out ahead of it in fact it got so out ahead of it atomic bomb compared to firecracker kind of ratio it got so far out ahead of it that source and that which you call good and all manner of that which is goodness all non-physical is focused with you on your new out ahead of it desire out ahead of it now you could translate that literally out ahead of it meaning it hasn't manifested yet like the seed in the ground is out ahead of the corn stalk that will grow and the ear of corn that will grow in other words the potential is out ahead of the reality you get what we're talking about, but if the farmer didn't believe in the process of the seed becoming the ear of corn then he would never plant the seed and so often humans don't plant the seed because they want the corn to show up right now we know you get that in terms of corn, but we want you to get that in terms of everything we want you to realize that when you launch a rocket of desire that's a seed that is germinating in this vibrational reality and be intended by the gardener of all gardeners that which is source energy and your inner being, and it will become that which you want it to be, but you will not witness it if you are contrary to your own desire you see what we're getting at you've got to find a way to believe in your own desire you've got to believe in your own desire which means you've got to understand the process you've got to understand that there is a vibration that is becoming a thought and a thought that is becoming an impulse and an impulse that is becoming a manifestation in fact let's call the thought a manifestation too and let's call the impulse manifestation too in other words let's start watching for the evidence of your desires turning to things that you can witness rather than needing the thing to be there first so that you can then believe in it humans say well I'll believe it when I see it, and we say you've got to believe it before you see it, or you can't see it but what trips you up is that there are other things that you can see that have been created by others or that were here when you got here or that are easier for you to believe, so you don't quite make the equation that you as a creator as a master of creation have some mastery to accomplish, and you can't be lazy about it, you got to pay attention to what you're doing vibrational you can't just complacently move us on through life observing what you want that's a good thing because you create more of that.
How to Command  Your body Cells? Use Vibration NOT WORDS! Can I heal my body from the command of my brain? The Best Of ABRAHAM HICKS

 When you observe what you don't want not so good because you create more of that because this is a universe based upon attraction there's no exclusion in this universe so when you see something that you want you to say yes to it, you're saying yes to something that you want and there's a very good chance that you are non-resistant to that and so it will flow easily usually quickly into your experience but when you see what you don't want, and you shout no at it, you're really saying yes to the thing that you do not want, so you're saying yes to not enough money at the same time you're saying I want more money and yes I want not enough money, and you want to say no I'm not I'm saying yes to money and no to not enough, and we say no you're not you're saying yes to money and yes to not enough money you've got a tug of war going on in side of you because in this universe that is vibrational it's not verbal strange we are verbal, so much this is not a verbal universe this is a vibrational universe, and, so you are speaking a vibrational language and in many cases, you are misusing it because you don't realize that you're speaking a vibrational.

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