What is an Aura? How to See an Aura? Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes! The electromagnetic energy of humans.


What is an Aura? How to See an Aura? Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes! The electromagnetic energy of humans. 

Why should you learn to see the aura, well other than it's a pretty cool experience to be able to see something that most people think doesn't even exist or is invisible science has proven that subtle energies affect us whether we want to believe in it or not, energy is everywhere, good energy bad energy, and if you can tune in to energy and see it as the aura then you can affect how this energy impacts you and your life, so here we go to see the aura and here's how to see it on someone else. What you want to do is ask them to stand about ten feet away, and they should stand on which is a plain white or a plain black background, basically, you want is you just want something without any patterns, because that's gonna make it harder to see the actual aura next look at the person's nose, and you want to look with a relaxed gaze that means you don't want to stare don't look at the nose because the nose isn't the aura what you want to do is you want to stare at the nose and then with the relaxed gaze use your peripheral vision the peripheral vision basically means looking out of the corner of your eyes.

What is an Aura? How to See an Aura? Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes! The electromagnetic energy of humans. 
Your eyes are curved which means that they can see a different spectrum of light on the side on the corner of your eyes, and you can head on so what you'll first see around their head and shoulders is basically a transparent fog here's the thing the aura when you first see it appears very transparent have you ever gone out on a hot day and you're looking at a car or a sidewalk, and you'll see those heat waves kind of like shimmering that's what it will look like, but it's just gonna be barely just an inch to maybe half an inch just off the shoulders and around their head once you catch it you just want to keep your gaze relaxed don't get excited and stare right at it because then that's probably gonna disappear, so once you catch it just quietly observe it just watch it and just notice it's like you're just studying it and as you begin to study it that's when the auras going to start to grow brighter and to come more into focus now if you're looking at the nose, and you're trying to use your peripheral vision, and you can't quite catch it move your vision from right at their nose to the center of their forehead just a slight movement up۔

What is an Aura? How to See an Aura? Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes! The electromagnetic energy of humans. 

 Sometimes just that slight movement is all it takes to just catch it just for the first time because what you're trying to do is just notice it and once you notice it just to stay on it until you can see that it changes just a bit some people can see the aura right away others take a few minutes don't be discouraged anybody can see it now this is probably something that for sure is gonna happen at some point you're gonna be seeing the oil you're gonna be practicing with it, and you're gonna blink and when you blink it's gonna completely disappear don't panic this happens to everybody here's the funny thing is that your mind your consciousness is plugged into your brain in your body right whenever you blink like that it tells your consciousness to reset so remember because you're watching the aura returning into that frequency of energy as soon as you blink it drops you back down to where you were before the more you practice the less this is gonna happen,

What is an Aura? How to See an Aura? Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes! The electromagnetic energy of humans. 

but in the beginning, is gonna happen it happens to everybody just practice, and you'll get your way through it now let's say you're by yourself and here's how to practice seeing your own aura we're gonna start with hand, and so what you want to do is just like with a person you want to find a plain background white black whatever, and you want to extend your hand in front of you, now you want to soften your gaze, and actually, you want to stare right at the center of your palm kind of like you're looking at the person's nose so you're looking at it but in a relaxed way, and you want to look around the edges of your hand and your fingers and ever, so slowly you want to start squishing your fingers together and then spreading them apart and just see if you're gonna notice an outline around your fingers just squish them together and then spread them apart,

What is an Aura? How to See an Aura? Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes! The electromagnetic energy of humans. 

if you squish your fingers together then just start moving your hand like you're waving at yourself just kind of slow side to side, and it's the same thing just like with a person is you're just trying to notice that faint outline first and once you catch the outline sometimes the movement helps but once you catch that faint outline you want to stop and then just want to in a relaxed way just focus I'm trying to bring the armed war into view the movement is just trying to get the ore to move into just the right spot in your peripheral vision and then sometimes you'll notice it just got pops right out and here's the cool thing you can also do with your foot, and I used to do this all the time when I was lying in bed I'd wake up in the morning you know15 minutes early, and I would just move my foot, twist it back and forth, and look at the aura around my toes.

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