How do beer and alcohol cause you to gain more fat and weight? Avoid Beer to lose fat and weight!
How do beer and alcohol cause you to gain more fat and weight? Avoid Beer to lose fat and weight!

 Beer! The term the beer belly exists for a reason because beer is one of those beverages that's most likely to cause you to gain excess pounds there are a number of reasons why beer is likely to pack on weight first, for most alcohol is converted to acetate in the body mostly in the liver, and as acetate enters your blood fat burning becomes highly suppressed throughout your entire body as a result the fatty acids that you eat are much more likely to be stored as body fat instead of being burnt off on top of that acetate itself can also be converted into fat another issue with drinking alcohol in general is that it's often paired with high fat junk foods like pizza or late night McDonald's trips and the excess calories from drinking alcohol doesn't really fill you up at all contrary to protein carbs and fats alcohol doesn't suppress appetite but, instead it may even increase it for example in a recent 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis the researchers concluded that adults don't compensate properly for the amount of alcohol calories they take in by eating less on the contrary a relatively small amount of alcohol can lead to an increase in food consumption now when you compare alcoholic drinks beer happens to be one of the most likely alcoholic beverages to cause fat gain this is because as a general rule of thumb beer contains 150 calories per drink while wine contains 125 per glass and hard liquors contain about 100per shot; 

 CONCLUSION! Beer and alcohol cause you to gain more pounds of fat as most of the alcohol are converted into estates in the body and especially in the liver. Which not only causes weight gain but also causes other diseases.

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