How to get rid of these seasonal allergies with ancient methods? by Dr. Josh Axe
 How to get rid of these seasonal allergies with ancient methods? by Dr. Josh Axe

 How to get rid of these seasonal allergies with ancient methods, therefore, if you have chronic allergies, runny nose, red eyes, runny nose, or you may feel unwell, the best essential oils, herbs, vitamins, supplements, and food to overcome allergies are very fast, and help me to spread the word that "food is medicine", and some of these foods can cause inflammation, allergies, and the body can increase the overall response to histamine.
How to get rid of these seasonal allergies with ancient methods? by Dr. Josh Axe

The Alcohol! Alcohol especially beer, so, if having allergy symptoms, especially redness and the sinuses, going to want to stay away from alcohol, especially beer would be number one, staying away from a beer all type of alcohol, but absolutely, all alcohol especially beer is going to cause the most inflammation and exacerbate the allergies even more.
How to get rid of these seasonal allergies with ancient methods? by Dr. Josh Axe

The caffeine! Caffeine in general can be taxing on the adrenal glands and the kidneys, the kidneys, and adrenals are partly responsible for helping the body filter, strengthening the overall system, and an immunity helping to fight allergies, now, doing herbal tea with small amounts of caffeine such as a truly green tea or white tea is going to be fine, but again, lots of caffeine especially in the form of coffee is going to cause more issues and exacerbate those seasonal allergies.
How to get rid of these seasonal allergies with ancient methods? by Dr. Josh Axe

 Conventional Dairy! There are a lot of problems with dairy for allergies, but here are a few, if you're doing traditional dairy when you pasteurize dairy, it heats it sometimes at boiling point, and what that's going to do is it's going to kill off all the enzymes, so now the body can't break down the proteins and the lactose as well that's found in dairy, and so that's going to cause allergies in and of itself, also, dairy is a very dampening food, within Chinese medicine, the thing that causes Candida and yeast overgrowth and mucus buildup in your sinuses and the throat is dampness and milk is very dampening to the body, So, probably, the worst food you could drink or eat during seasonal allergy time is going to be a glass of conventional milk or cheese is going to cause allergies to get much worse.
How to get rid of these seasonal allergies with ancient methods? by Dr. Josh Axe

Chocolate and Peanuts! Chocolate actually can exacerbate some of those allergy symptoms as well, Peanuts, many of them can hold on to mold, and sort of at the top of the food allergy list, peanuts sit high.

 Sugar! Another thing you want to stay away from is it feeds yeast, Candida causes dampness and causes inflammation which is going to exacerbate allergies artificial sweeteners are going to cause inflammation.

 CONCLUSION! Avoid processed foods, fast food, refined foods, alcohol, and caffeine to control seasonal allergies. Share this post with your friends, and let us know what you think of this post, if you have any comments or suggestions, be sure to write them in the comments section below. Click here for more posts about food, health, and fitness!

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