What is the definition of observation? The Art of Observation! The Reality through thought, Reality What u Observe? |
To observe is the most important
thing in life, not tell the observation how to observe, but to learn the art of
observing without any distortion, without any motive, without any purpose, just
to observe, in that there is tremendous beauty, because then there is no
distortion you see things clearly as they are, but if you make an abstraction
of it into an idea and then through that idea observe then it's a distortion,
so we are merely freely without any distorting factor entering into our
observation observing consciousness, so consciousness begins to reveal its own
totality, there is nothing hidden it is because the content which is our hurt
our greed our envy our happiness our beliefs our ideologies all that is the mix
of consciousness, the past traditions the present scientific or factual
traditions and soon so-and-so on all that is our consciousness to observe it
without any movement of thought, the thought has put all the content of our
consciousness, thought has built it when thought comes and says this is right,
this is wrong, this should be that, you are still within the field of
consciousness, you're not going beyond it.
What is the definition of observation? The Art of Observation! The Reality through thought, Reality What u Observe? |
has to go, one has to understand very clearly, the place of thought has its own
place in the field of knowledge, technology, and all the rest of it, but
thought has no place whatsoever in the psychological structure of man, when it
does then confusion begins, then contradiction then all the struggles, the
image is about you and another all the rest of it follows, so the art as we
said all the meaning of art means to put everything in its right place not the
painter not the sculptor or the pirate but in our daily life to put everything
in its right place, that is that's art, so can you observe your consciousness
and does it reveal its content not bit by bit, but the totality of its movement
then only is it possible to go beyond it, not through analysis which we talked
about because analysis implies the analyzer, and they analyze the division the
problem of time in division and when you analyze each analysis must be totally
complete if there is no complete analysis than the imperfection of that
analysis is carried over to the next analysis, so imperfection grows more and
more and more you don't like practice on the piano and practicing the wrong
note all the time, so that's our inquiry, and in inquiry can you observe
without any movement of the eye, because the eye has effect on the brain, you
can observe it for yourself when you keep your eyeballs completely still
observation becomes very clear, because the brain is quietened you can experiment
with this is not a trick for something further it's like going to a Teacher and
learning few tricks.
What is the definition of observation? The Art of Observation! The Reality through thought, Reality What u Observe? |
This is
a lovely story, must tell you about it a young man goes to a teacher and says
please tell me what truth is I've searched everywhere nobody seems to be able
to tell me and have come to you please tell me what truth is, and the teacher
says stay with me be with me and so the people disciple stays with him for
about15 years watching him all you know all the rest of it at the end of 15
years he says good lord I have learned nothing and so goes to the teacher and
says I'm so sorry you have taught me nothing I haven't found the truth I'm
going to leave you and go to that teacher the other one and so after five years
he comes back he says, at last, I've learned, and the teacher says what have
you learned you see that river I can walk across it without a boat without
anything I can walk right on the water and the teacher says you can do that
what happens if you take that little boat.
What is the definition of observation? The Art of Observation! The Reality through thought, Reality What u Observe? |
Can you observe without any movement of thought interfering with your
observation it is only possible when the observer realizes that what he is
observing are one of the observers is observe danger is not different
from me, I am angry I'm jealous, so there is no division between the observer
and the observed that is the basic reality one must capture and to observe
without the observer just to observe then you will see the whole of
consciousness the whole of it begins to reveal itself without you are making an
effort which means in that total observation, there is the ending of going
beyond all the things that thought has put together which is our consciousness,
the reality which thought has put has made is not true it's a reality of
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