Feeling Is The Secret! How To Visualize? How to Use Imagination? What is the power of Imagination? Neville Goddard -


Feeling Is The Secret! How to Use Imagination? What is the power of Imagination? Neville Goddard - 

All things exist in the human imagination and everything you see as an objective reality was produced by imagining, think of one thing, just think of one thing, that would simply deny it, you can't think of one thing, so you go to the moon, you first had to imagine it, had to imagine everything concerning the machine that took you to the moon, everything in the world first has to be imagined and then executed the intelligence to do it will come, but you take the blueprint first, and conceive it, and dwell in it as though it were true, and no power on earth can stop it from becoming so, but tonight if you're here for the first time you want something practical you apply what I've told you first have an objective, you must have an objective you can't say "well I don't know what I want"  ask yourself what would I like of life?


Feeling Is The Secret! How to Use Imagination? What is the power of Imagination? Neville Goddard - 

 Don't be ashamed to name it, what would I like of life? Try to get some objective, that is the way to success, I appropriated subjectively, how do I appropriate a state subjectively? Suppose now this very moment, I wanted an ordinary baseball, but there isn't a baseball in the room, but I want one, I would assume that I am holding a baseball in my hand until I could feel it, you think you can't feel it? Well now try to feel what it would be like if you held a baseball, now to prove that you have held it, see what it feels like, the difference, a tennis ball, see any difference? A golf ball, see any difference? A piece of silk, do you feel any difference? If you can distinguish between these many objects though they are subjective, then they must exist somewhere, if you can separate them in your mind's eye and distinguish between these objects, I can begin to feel, begin to sense, begin to smell a rose, well a rose doesn't smell or doesn't have the odor of another flower, I can detect the rose, now a lily an Easter lily, I can detect that, what does it do? Well I'm going to get them, someone will see of Neville and send him a flower, and it's going to be the flower that I'm going to feel touch, and smell, it works that way.


Feeling Is The Secret! How to Use Imagination? What is the power of Imagination? Neville Goddard - 

Money has an odor, it is unlike any odor in the world it's more fragrant to the miser than the most marvelous perfume in the world He can tell if you put a moneybag to his face just like putting roses to mine he loves it he can smell money, he can feel it, money has a distinct feel about it, put a twenty-dollar bill in your hand and asked you to feel it, and then put another piece of paper in your hand, and you can tell the difference, there's a difference, there is an odor to it, all this is part of the inner man, that all things are possible to him, try it before you condemn it, try it, and if you have the evidence to support my claim, well then it doesn't matter what the world will tell you if he laughs at you; So what? So they laughed at everyone who had an idea that seemed a little off-center, always laughed at them, they laughed at the idea of going to the moon, well now it's an accomplished fact, they are still those who won't believe it happened because they don't want to believe that ever happened, some said you couldn't go down and live underwater, now we have a submarine, there are still those who won't believe it, you can present it with all the facts in the world, and they won't believe it, so I tell you, try it first and if it proves itself in performance, it doesn't matter what the whole vast world think; So take a goal, make it a lovely goal, either for yourself or another, for any time that you exercise your imagination lovingly on behalf of another, you are mediating God to that other, so bring a friend before your mind's eye, representing him to yourself, as the man or the woman that you would like them to be, and don't tell them, ask for no praise, just assume that they're talking to you, and telling you the most marvelous news about themselves, and you congratulate them on that good news, and your way, believe in the reality of that imaginal act, they may happen tomorrow, it may happen a day after, or a week later, or a month later, it has its appointed hour, and it is rising, and it's going to flower, so don't be concerned, leave it alone, and it will come to pass.


Feeling Is The Secret! How to Use Imagination? What is the power of Imagination? Neville Goddard - 

The feeling is the secret, I catch the mood, the feeling that would be mine if, I was, what I want to be, I don't have to touch something, I can if I want to, but it's the mood, I'm speaking of, what would the feeling be like if she were well? If she were this, and then you catch it, just as though it is true, you always go to the end, and the end is where you begin, we are always imagining ahead of our evidence, so go to the end, and feel the end, and then dwell in that end, even though reason denies it, and your senses deny it, you turn your back upon the doubters, that is your senses and what reason dictates, that's the hell, or the devil, or Satan in the world, that's the doubter, so you turn your back upon it, and then you walk as though things were as you want them to be, and living in that assumption, it slowly hardens into fact, even though at the moment of the assumption it was denied by reason, an assumption though false, or if persisted in will harden into fact, so you learn to assume and learn to persist in the assumption, and it will come to pass.

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